• Over 50’s Annual Travel Scheme

  • Designed especially for WI Members

  • Worldwide Cover

  • No declaration of medical conditions

  • £415 for single person cover

About Open Travel Insurance

The Open Travel Insurance Scheme provides tailored travel insurance, underwritten by Lloyd’s Syndicate 4444 which is managed by Canopius Managing Agents Limited, to members of the Women’s Institute. Our aim is to provide a quality service at a standard that provides true peace of mind to the frequent traveller. In working with the Women’s Institute we have designed a travel insurance product that members can rely on; easily accessed Online or via our expert Travel Team who are ready to assist.

The scheme is open to all UK resident members of the Women’s Institute aged between 50 and 74 and their families.

About the Scheme & Eligibility*

  • Open to members of WI aged between 50 and 74 and their families
  • Travel is solely for leisure purposes

To be eligible for cover you must:

  • Be a UK resident WI member
  • Be aged between 50 and 74 at the time the first period of cover starts (thereafter no upper age limit will apply)
  • Not suffer from a chronic breathing condition

You must be medically fit to travel

a) on the date of booking any trip and either paying for the trip in full or paying the initial instalment or deposit towards the final cost of the trip; and
b) on the date(s) you pay any further balance(s) or instalments towards the final cost of the trip; and
c) on the date of departure on the trip.

Being medically fit to travel means:
(i) any existing medical condition(s) you have must be stable and controlled by any treatment you are receiving and/or medication(s) you have been prescribed; and
(ii) there must be no known likelihood of any medical tests, investigations or variation of treatment or medication for any existing medical condition(s) from the date you take out this insurance up to the date of departure on the trip, or whilst travelling; and
(iii) you are not awaiting surgery for any diagnosed medical condition; and
(iv) you are not exhibiting symptoms of an existing medical condition which could mean that your trip could be cancelled or cut short.

It is always advisable to consult a doctor if you have any doubts about whether any insured member is medically fit to undertake a trip.

There is no cover under this insurance for any surgery, treatment or investigations for which you intend to travel to receive, including any expenses incurred due to the discovery of any other medical conditions during, and/or complications arising from, these procedures.

If you are terminally ill, the policy will not pay any claims under the Medical Benefits section nor the Loss of deposits, cancellation and curtailment section caused directly or indirectly by that terminal illness.

* Eligibility – You must be a UK resident WI member, aged between 50 and 74 years at the time the first period of cover starts (thereafter no upper age limit will apply). You must not be suffering from a chronic breathing condition and must be medically fit to travel as defined in the policy.

Over 50’s Annual Travel Scheme

The Open Travel Insurance scheme is available to all WI members aged between 50 and 74 years of age residing in the UK.

Once a scheme member no upper age limit will apply provided cover is not lapsed.

What’s included

  • Full Worldwide Cover
  • No medical screening information is required
  • No limit to the number of journeys
  • Any single trip can last for up to 65 days (45 days for Caribbean, USA or Canada travel)
  • Winter sports cover up to 17 days
  • Members can opt to include partners, spouses and children (until their 21st birthday)
  • Pre-existing medical conditions are covered as long as members are fit to travel (as defined in the policy), do not have a chronic breathing condition, and not terminally ill.

If the eligibility requirements for this policy mean that we cannot offer you cover, or if you have medical conditions which mean that the policy may not be suitable for you or meet all your needs, you may be able to get help by accessing the MoneyHelper travel directory or by calling 0800 138 7777 (Open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm).

The package of benefits at a glance

Cancellation Up to £5,000
Curtailment Up to £5,000
Medical and additional expenses+ Up to £5,000,000
Emergency dental treatment Up to £750
Overseas local burial/cremation* Up to £2,000
Repatriation of mortal remains to UK Covered
Emergency medical repatriation and evacuation* Covered
Compassionate overseas visit* Covered
Personal accident benefit (death, loss of limb(s), loss of sight, or permanent total disablement resulting from bodily injury caused by an accident)*
In the event of death of a child under 16


Personal baggage
Single item/set of items limit
Up to £1,500
Up to £350
Delayed baggage (more than 12 hours)* Up to £150
Personal money, (e.g. cash, travellers cheques, travel tickets)
Cash limit
Up to £500
Up to £250
Loss of passport Up to £250
Delayed departure: every 12 hours* £50 up to maximum £200
Extended delay Up to £2,000
Missed departure Up to £1,000
Catastrophe cover* Up to £300
Legal expenses* Up to £25,000
Personal liability* Up to £2,000,000
UK travel cover Various amounts payable
Winter sports cover Various amounts payable

Please note: all benefits are subject to £60 excess except those marked with an asterick (*) The benefit marked with a cross (+) is subject to £60 excess unless a UK Global Health Insurance Card (UK GHIC) is used. Benefits are subject to conditions, limitations, and exclusions detailed in the membership agreement.

Where a medical benefit is shown as “Covered” in the table above, the overall £5,000,000 cover limit relating to medical and additional expenses applies. Where there is a specific limit or amount payable for any individual medical benefit, this is stated.

Policy Pricing

The annual cost is the same for all members. All premiums are payable annually in advance.

Members have the flexibility to join the scheme at any point. However, regardless of when they join the full annual cost will be required even if they join halfway through the Insurance year which has a common start date of the 1st November renewal date.

Membership of the scheme automatically renews each year on the 1st of November (renewal date) for all existing members.

Annual premiums for the Open Travel Insurance Scheme for year commencing 1st November 2023:

Single £415.00
Couple £555.00
Single Parent Family £555.00
Family £590.00

Prices include Insurance Premium Tax at 20%

Apply Your Cover

Download and complete the Application Form and Direct Debit Mandate.

Complete both forms and post to:

Open Travel Insurance
Grove & Dean Private Clients Limited
7 Station Lane
RM12 6JL

No cover can be incepted until the Application Form (including the Direct Debit Mandate) is received and accepted by underwriters.

Print out & post Application

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:

We advise travellers who have booked holidays to a destination affected by the viral outbreak and are looking to cancel their trip or amend their travel plans to contact their travel agent or tour operator in the first instance.

Section 4 – Loss of deposits, cancellation, and curtailment

We will pay up to the limits shown any irrecoverable payments and charges (whether paid or contracted to be paid) that you cannot get back from anyone else or which cannot be transferred or used for another purpose for each insured member in any period of cover if you are forced to cancel your trip unexpectedly before the start date or curtail your trip before completion, which you could not have foreseen if the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) or the government of the country you were due to visit change the travel advice to advise against all or all but essential travel within 50 miles of your chosen destination.

In order to be eligible for cover, any person to be insured under the policy must be medically “fit to travel” on the date of departure on your trip.

Please see the “About the Scheme & Eligibility” section of this website to check how “fit to travel” is defined under the policy.

If you are in any doubt about whether you or any other person(s) are medically fit to undertake a trip, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

We will confirm the commencement date of your insurance once we have received and approved your Application Form and Direct Debit Mandate.

Members have the flexibility to join the scheme at any point. However, the annual cost is the same for all members. Therefore, regardless of when you join, the full annual cost will be required even if you join halfway through the Insurance year. The Open Travel Insurance Scheme automatically renews each year on the 1st of November (the renewal date) for all existing members.

This means you will pay the same premium if you join the scheme on 1st November or, for example, on 1st March.

You have the right to cancel your policy at any time. If you cancel within the 14 day ‘cooling off’ period (from the date you receive the policy documents) then a full refund of premium paid will be made, provided no claim has been made or is intended to be made. Beyond the 14 day ‘cooling off’ period, provided you have not made a claim and do not intend to make a claim, you may cancel the policy and we will refund 1/12th of the total premium paid, for each full calendar month remaining in your current period of cover from the date of cancellation.

Just ask your doctor to complete and sign the medical certificate included in the cancellation claim form. You will need to send this to us along with your overseas trip booking invoice, receipt and cancellation invoice.
Be sure to obtain a doctor’s letter confirming that you need to curtail your trip and return home. We will also need your holiday booking invoice and receipt to support your claim.

Immediately arrange for any medical treatment you need but please be sure you contact our International Medical Emergency Assistance Company, Mayday Assistance as soon as possible on +44 (0) 1273 624 661. You must obtain a detailed receipt for all the treatment that you receive.

Please get written confirmation from the doctor who is treating you that you are unfit to travel at the scheduled time. The policy can provide cover for any additional accommodation and travelling expenses you incur (of a similar standard to what you originally booked and paid for). Please keep any receipts for such expenses as they will be needed when you make a claim.

If travel is undertaken against the advice of a Medical Practitioner the policy will not respond to any claim event.
If you lose your baggage or it is stolen, report this to the police immediately and get a Police Report. If your baggage is lost or damaged whilst being carried by an airline, railway, coach or ship, report this in writing to the carrier as soon as possible (at least within three days). Make sure you receive a Property Irregularity Report or similar documentation. Please keep copies of any correspondence you send or receive, as well as the retained portion of the travel tickets and baggage tickets.

In the event of your baggage being damaged, obtain an estimate for the repair. If the article is not repairable, get a letter of confirmation from the repairers. Please retain the damaged item wherever possible.

To support a claim for damaged and lost items we will require receipts showing the purchase price and date of purchase.

If your baggage is delayed for more than 12 hours, get written confirmation of this from the carrier. You will also need receipts to support your claim for any emergency purchases you have to make.

Report it to the police immediately and get a Police Report. If you incur costs when obtaining replacement documentation e.g. extra travel, unplanned accommodation or statutory charges, be sure to keep all your receipts.
Report this to the police without delay – certainly within 24 hours of discovering the loss.
Please get a Police Report.

If you have lost Travellers Cheques you should report this immediately to the local branch, agent or issuing authority and apply to them for a refund. If, for any reason, you are unsuccessful in getting a refund, you will need a letter from them confirming this fact.

If you have lost your foreign currency you will need evidence of conversion from the bank, such as a currency conversion bank slip.

If you have lost sterling or cheques you will need confirmation of cancelled cheques and bank statements.

If your transport breaks down, please make every effort to reach the point of departure from or return to the UK on time. Should you still miss your flight, train, coach, ship, ferry or cross-channel train, get a receipt for any alternative transport needed to reach your destination. If public transport let you down, please obtain written confirmation from the carrier explaining the cause.
Please obtain detailed confirmation from the carrier (or their handling agent) explaining the reasons for the delay, its precise duration and the original itinerary.

We will require the name and address of the person injured; a full description of the injuries suffered; plus full details of the accident – including how, when and where it occurred.

Please note: It is a condition of any claim that the insured member shall make no admission, offer, promise, payment or undertaking of payment without any claims handler’s prior written consent.

If you are travelling to any of the countries in the European Union, a European Health Insurance Card or UK Global Health Insurance Card (UK GHIC) entitles you to state healthcare in Europe at a reduced cost or sometimes for free Application forms for the new UK Global Health Insurance Card (UK GHIC) are available from any main Post Office or go online at www.nhs.uk and search ‘GHIC’.

If you hold either a European Health Insurance Card or UK Global Health Insurance Card (UK GHIC) before you travel – and use it to reduce the cost of a claim for medical expenses – we will not deduct the normal excess charge from your claim.

A Chronic Breathing Condition means the following:

  • Severe Allergic Asthma, Asthma with fixed airflow obstruction, Night time (Nocturnal) Asthma, Obstructive Sleep Apnea
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Chronic Bronchitis
  • Cystic Fibrosis/Bronchiectasis
  • Emphysema
  • Lung Cancer
  • Lung Hernia
  • Pleural Effusion

Pneumonia If you are unsure as to the nature of a condition you should contact your General Practitioner.

A Terminal Prognosis means a terminal illness with a life expectancy of below one year at the start of the overseas trip.

As an insured member of the Open Travel Insurance scheme, you will be contacted in advance of your policy renewal (the scheme anniversary date, 1st November), and unless otherwise advised we will automatically renew your policy via the held bank Direct Debit Mandate. This provides continuity of cover should you be on an overseas trip. Should you change or amend your banking details the onus is on you to inform Open Travel Insurance ensuring a premium payment by Direct debit can be taken. Failure to do this will mean your policy will not be renewed and therefore cover will cease at the scheme anniversary date.

Your travel insurance policy provides cover under the following sections only:

Medical and additional expenses – You will be covered for emergency and necessary treatment resulting from Covid-19 received outside of the UK and if there is a medical requirement to bring you home.

Loss of deposits, cancellation and curtailment – If, in the 14 days prior to the start of your trip or at any time during your trip, you or anyone insured on the policy become ill following a positive diagnosis of Covid-19 and you are forced to cancel your trip or curtail your trip before completion, the insurance provides the following cover:

  • For cancellation prior to departure – Cover for any irrecoverable cancellation costs and charges if you are unable to travel to or enter any country because you have tested positive for Covid-19 and are unable to demonstrate that you are symptom free or have tested negative for Covid-19;
  • For curtailment after departure – Cover any irrecoverable unused travel and accommodation costs, any other pre-paid charges which you have paid or are contracted to pay, and any additional travel expenses incurred.

There is no cover under this policy:

  • For irrecoverable cancellation costs and charges unless you provide evidence from/via a Government approved supplier that you have been unable to travel to or enter any country;
  • For emergency and necessary treatment received outside the UK or costs involved in bringing you home if you are unable to provide evidence from a medical professional  confirming that you have contracted Covid-19;
  • For any irrecoverable unused travel and accommodation costs, any other pre-paid charges which you have paid or are contracted to pay, and any additional travel expenses incurred if you are unable to provide evidence from a medical professional confirming that you have contracted Covid-19;
  • If you cancelled or curtailed your trip because:

-you chose to quarantine or isolate as a result of exposure to an infectious or contagious disease including Covid-19; or

-you simply did not want to travel or had a fear of travelling.

Our aim is to provide you with a high-quality service at all times, although we do appreciate that there may be instances where you feel it is necessary to lodge a complaint. If you do wish to complain, please note the 3 steps below, along with the relevant contact details for each step.

Please take special note, however that should you wish to direct your complaint directly to Lloyd’s in the first instance, you may do so by using the contact information referenced in step 2 below.


Step 1:

In the first instance, if your complaint does not relate to a claim, please direct it to:

P J Hayman & Company Limited

Stansted House, Rowlands Castle, Hampshire PO9 6DX

Tel: 02392 419 875

Email: membershipschemes@pjhayman.com

If your complaint does relate to a claim, please direct it to:

Roger Rich & Company

2a Marston House, Cromwell Park, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire OX7 5SR

Tel: 01608 641351

Email: enquiries@rogerrich.co.uk


Step 2:

Should you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint from P J Hayman & Company Limited or Roger Rich & Company you may refer your complaint to Lloyd’s.

Lloyd’s contact information is:

Complaints at Lloyd’s

Fidentia House, Walter Burke Way, Chatham Maritime, Kent ME4 4RN

Tel: +44 (0)20 7327 5693

Email: complaints@lloyds.com

Website: www.lloyds.com/complaints

Details of Lloyd’s complaints procedure are set out in a leaflet “Your Complaint – How We Can Help”, which is available at www.lloyds.com/complaints. Alternatively, you may ask Lloyd’s for a hard copy.


Step 3:

If you remain dissatisfied after Lloyd’s has considered your complaint, you may have the right to refer your complaint to an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) body.

If you live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, the contact information is:

Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR

Tel: 0800 0234 567 (calls to this number are free on mobile phones and landlines)

Tel: 0300 1239 123 (calls to this number cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers)

Email: complaint.info@financial-ombudsman.org.uk

Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk

If you live in the Channel Islands, the contact information is:

Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman, PO Box 114, Jersey, Channel Islands JE4 9QG

Jersey: +44 (0)1534 748610

Guernsey: +44 (0)1481 722218

International: +44 1534 748610

Facsimile: +44 1534 747629

Email: enquiries@ci-fo.org

Website: www.ci-fo.org

If you live in the Isle of Man, the contact information is:

Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme, Thie Slieau Whallian, Foxdale Road, St John’s, Isle of Man IM4 3AS

Tel: +44 (0) 1624 686500

Fax: +44 (0) 1624 686504

Email: ombudsman@iomoft.gov.im

Website: https://www.gov.im/oft/ombudsman/

Open Travel Insurance
– Membership Scheme

Scheme Administrator Contact Details

Open Travel Insurance is administered by Grove & Dean Private Clients – authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under firm reference number 307002

No personal recommendations are made for customers.

All information provided is to enable a customer to make his/her own purchasing decision.

Contact Form

To send us a message, please fill in the fields below and click ‘send’. We will aim to reply within one working day.

"*" indicates required fields


Please type your enquiry below
How would you like us to reply?

Call us:

0800 221 8800

Email us:


Write to us:

Open Travel Insurance
Grove & Dean Private Clients Limited
7 Station Lane
RM12 6JL

Open Travel Insurance is a trading name of P J Hayman & Company Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority; firm reference number 497103.